Tag Archives: Health

Smoke – Charisma of Evil within Us- Ms Shwetha Joyce Rasquinha, Mangalore


Every cigarette you smoke is another nail in your coffin

In recent years the world has seen important technical and social progress and has simultaneously experienced increasingly greater social turmoil. Young people are proving to be least well prepared to cope with stress or to be truly adaptable to rapid change and use of substances (drug, alcohol, tobacco etc.,) to relieve anxiety and for recreation is intensifying. Seen in this perspective substance abuse is more a human, personal and a social problem than a legal or medical problem.

Smoking is perhaps the most widely indulged in social habit, and it is becoming a serious problem. Shockingly the teenagers become the victims of this crippling habit. It has been found that majority of smokers start smoking at the age of 18 or before.  The average age of smokers has considerably lowered in recent years. Unfortunately for our teenager’s cigarette smoking is a hall ticket to adult company, a sign to achieve adulthood and maturity. Many youngsters are often unwillingly become the victims of this crippling habit We also see a strong urge among girls to copy boys of same generation today. Hence smoking knows no gender barrier! For thousands of teenagers and youth this glamorous game has resulted in unhappy life and pre mature death. Interest towards tobacco consumption through smoking among teenagers between 10 to 17 years of age have become a major cause of concern.

Do we like to swallow insecticide? No… Never. We do not even prefer to consume vegetables cultivated with the help of strong insecticides.  But every time someone smokes, he/she is taking nicotine an effective insecticide and a most powerful poison. Among the youth the short term health consequence of smoking include respiratory and non respiratory effects, addiction to nicotine and the associated risk of other drug uses. As a long term health consequence smoking lowers the level of lung functioning and reduces the growth of lungs.  Smoking at the young age increases the risk of lung cancer. It reduces the physical fitness in terms of both performance and endurance. This is the truth about cigarettes; they are loaded with harmful chemicals and the end result is that they are a dangerous drug that can seriously harm people.


It is a well proved fact that there is a steep rise in smoking among youngsters. We need to curb it at right time. Here are some tips and suggestions,

  • If you are non smoker, GOOD!!! Never even try smoking, and stay away from smokers.
  • If you are a smoker decide to stop. If you really want, you can. Fix a date to give up smoking and inform your people that you‘ve given up.
  • Carry a chewing gum or candy to keep your hands and lips busy with something other than smoking
  • Do not keep smoking materials handy
  • Avoid use of stimulants such as coffee, tea etc.
  • Eat well and regularly. Consume large quantities of fruits and vegetables as they are antidote against the poisons of tobacco
  • Avoid heavily spiced foods and drink at least ten glasses of water a day, as water can reduce the craving for tobacco.
  • Utilize the services of counselors in your schools and colleges, if not available, approach your favorite teacher, or an elderly friend or relative whom you trust, and feel free to interact.
  • Engage in sports and physical exercises.
  • Bathing twice a day in hot water helps in keeping body and mind fresh.
  • Yoga and prayers have helped many.
  • Every hour\day without smoking should mean much to you; congratulate yourself as you are on the way to find victory.


Dear teenagers, you constitute a large portion of our country and the most potential group.  You are given a major role in the process of development. We cannot afford to neglect and lose you.  You are young only once. Please don’t make it blunder for which you have to repent till the end. If you think you can determine, you will.